Financial contributions to NeighborWorks® Southern New Hampshire allow us to address the affordable housing needs of individuals and families in New Hampshire. Over half of our operating budget comes from the support of individuals, foundations, corporations, businesses, and other entities.
Our fiscal year runs from April 1st – March 31st. All donors listed on this page reflect gifts in our most recently completed fiscal year.
NeighborWorks® Southern New Hampshire gratefully acknowledges the generosity of those listed on this page.
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Cambridge Trust Charitable Foundation
Citizens Bank
City of Manchester
City of Nashua
Eastern Bank Foundation
Hutter Construction Corporation
M&T Charitable Foundation
Merrimack County Savings Bank
NeighborWorks America
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation’s How Did We Get Here Fund and anonymous donor advised funds
New Hampshire Housing
TD Charitable Foundation
TFMoran, Inc.
United States Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD)
Wells Fargo Foundation
Bank of New Hampshire
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Verani Realty
DCU for Kids
Dobles Foundation
Enterprise Bank
Franklin Savings Bank
Greater Manchester/Nashua Board of Realtors
HarborOne Foundation
JPMorgan Chase
Meredith Village Savings Bank
NBT Bank
Northeast Delta Dental
Elizabeth Ropp and Eric Zulaski
Sheehan Phinney
Southern New Hampshire University
Wieczorek Family
Anagnost Companies
Candid and Michael Arcidy
Bangor Savings Bank
Bar Harbor Bank & Trust
Barrette Family Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
Bellwether Community Credit Union
Carolyn Benthien
Bishop’s Charitable Assistance Fund
BNY Mellon, N.A., Trustee of the Ella F. Anderson Trust
Bob’s Discount Furniture Charitable Foundation
Famille Boufford
Boufford Insurance Agency
Brady Sullivan Properties
Caryl and Barry Brensinger
Diane and Jay Brewster
CGI Business Solutions
Ellie and David Cochran
Dorothy Gould Cook Memorial Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
Philip L. Cote
Raymond & Olga Cote Memorial Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
Craig, Deachman & Associates
Employees of Associated Grocers of New England & AG Supermarkets
Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston
Debra and Robert Gagne
Thomas Getz
David P. and Dorothy M. Goodwin Family Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
Jaye and Charlie Goodwin
Granite United Way
David Grappone
HarborOne Mortgage
Pauline Ikawa
Julie and Matthew Kfoury
Lavallee Brensinger Architects
Janel and Eric LeBlanc
Jennifer MacLaren of MacLaren Consulting
Susan and Bruce Manchester
Millennium Integrated Marketing
Mutual of America
Northway Bank
Otis Atwell
Venetia and Joseph B. Reilly
Roedel Family Charitable Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
Connie Roy-Czyzowski
Laura and Richard Sawyer
St. Mary’s Bank
Stewart Property Management
Summit Title Services
Ellen and Robert Tourigny
Lacey and Ryan Tufts
Jennifer Vadney and Carlos Agudelo
Alan Villeneuve
Sandra Almonte
Sophia Annas
Nancy and Thomas Barrett
Nancy and Edward Brackett
Regina and Thomas Breslawski
Richard Bunker
Michelle Caraccio
Megan and Tristan Carrier
Dylan Cruess
Rob Dapice
Debra and Jeffrey Funk
Lee and Nicholas Golon
Campbell Harvey and Elliott Berry
Cliff Jefferson
Eleanor and Eugene Lariviere
Richard Lombardi
Colleen Lyons and John Dupre
Fred Matuszewski
Claira Monier
Maria Morais and Warren Page
Mortgage Bankers & Brokers Association of New Hampshire
Maureen and Dennis Ryan
Claire and Dan Scanlon
Secured Network Services
Villeneuve Family Fund
Carol Willoughby
Andre Bonte
Kristina and Jeff Boufford
Donna Briggs
Evangeline and Dean Christon
Cecile and Sylvio Dupuis
Abigail Easterly and Scott Silberfeld
Cliff Jefferson
Logan and Christopher Johnson
Kim Keegan and Paul Weathers
Paul McLaughlin and Gordon Greco
Lynne Paul and Thomas Garner
Molly and Richard Patterson
Lori Piper
Beth Plentzas
Donna and Richard Plourde
Primary Bank
Jeff Rapson
David Sargent
Karen Soule
Steve White
Accurate Title
Amanda Akerly
All Views Home Inspection
Ricardo Andino
Valerie April
Bobbie Bagley
Johanna Beachy
Katharine Bogle-Shields and Michael Shields
Jason Bonilla
Kathy Brodsky
Erica and Will Brooks
Camden National Bank
CATCH Neighborhood Housing
Greg Chakmakas
The Chhom Group
Abbey and Richard Clegg
Community Action Partnership of Strafford County
Kathy and Bradford Cook
Vivian Cora
Cornerstone Excavation
Kevin Correia
Daniel Crowe
Jennifer and Aaron Czysz
Senator Lou and Pat D’Allesandro
Robert Dastin
Karen and Robert Derksen
Devine Millimet
Sharon Driscoll
Eastern Bank
Aurore Eaton
Friends of the Nashua Public Library
Anzura Gakwaya
Linda and Jim Gallagher
Laura Gamache
Granite Edvance
Granite State Management & Resources
Tanya Hannigan
Karen Hegner
Dan Heying
Hope City Church
Michael Huot
HTS-A Manufacturer’s Sales Agency LLC
Integrated Realty Resources
Beth Jellison
Bryce Kaw-uh
Eleta Klene
Debbie and Thomas Krebs
Matt Labbe
Lakes Region Community Developers
Angie Lane and Will Stewart
Virginia Larkin
Ald. Patrick Long
Patrick Long
Alice Love
Manchester Rotary Club
Lisa and Peter Maresco
Angie Martinez-Rubio
Martini Northern
Mary Mattson
Kim and Greg McCarthy
Christina Mellor
Karen Metz
Patricia Meyers
Walter Milne
Lorene and Robert Molloy
The Moore Center
Maria Morais and Warren Page
Claire and Richard Moses
MSA Mortgage
Awilda Muniz
Jaime Nadeau
New Hampshire Community Development Finance Authority
New Hampshire Community Loan Fund
Ben Niles
Northway Bank
Dana Nute
Molly Lunn Owen
Sean Owen
Zachery Palmer
Brenda Perkins
Phenix Title Services
David Preece
Margaret Probish and Marc McDonald
Anthony Puntin
Marsha and Richard Rawlings
Nancy Beth Raymond
Realty One Group Next Level
Resilient Buildings Group
Evelyn and Rev. John Rivera
Riverwoods Manchester
Robin Shargo
Claire and Michael Sills
Dawn and Robert Stanhope
Stebbins Commercial Properties
Stebbins, Lazos & Van Der Beken, P.A.
Strafford Regional Planning Commission
Kathleen Sullivan and John Rist
The Twelve on Union Street
Jeanine Tousignant
James Vayo
Kristine and Thaddeus Walewski
William Weidacher
Gladys White
Donna and Bruce Willey
Anita Wolcott
Luke and Charlie Capistran by Beth Plentzas
John and Nancy Weber by Cynthia Weber Stave and Joel Stave
Raymond Wieczorek by Thaddeus and Kristine Walewski
David Grappone by NH CIBOR Cares
Susan Manchester by Granite United Way
Colliers (Dan Scanlon)
Community Chapel Church of the Nazarene
Cross Photography
Daniel Family
Thomas Dionne
Don Quijote Restaurant
Fresh Start Market
Granite State Credit Union
Granite United Way
Hope Tabernacle
Masonic Temple
Maria Morais
Molloy Sound and Video
RAM Companies
Sheehan Phinney
Stebbins Commercial Properties
Weber Stave Design
Andy Alywinn
Eric Bernazzani
DeAnn Berthiaume
Rick Blais
Eric Boucher
Eric Canales
Kevin Colburn
Kevin Correia
Randall Dearborn
Kevin Gettings
Chloe Golden, Esq.
Bridget Gray
Morgan Grooms
Karen Hegner
Denise Hubbard
Ken Hynes
Ed Ibanez
Nick Jette
Rachel Kunath
Nicole Lang
Scott Loignon
Jennifer P. Lyon
Ross Malcolm
Alyssa McQuaid
Angie Martinez-Rubio
Lisa Mulrey
Jake Nutter
Eric Perez
Brenda Perkins
Nick Regan
Fernando Rico
Joe Roberts
Greg Ruff
Laura Scala
Robin Shargo
Sharon Thorne
Stephen Tower, Esq.
Michael Woods
We appreciate our supporters and volunteers. If we have misspelled or omitted your name, please accept our apologies and notify us at 603.626.4663.